Sunday, January 11, 2009

oops forgot this one

Sorry I forgot to post the picture of Madisyn with Santa. So this is a crazy story for all you Judge Judy followers this "Santa" was on her show suing the Winger out here in Tooele for not paying him...needless to say he lost cause he didn't do his job, but there's a little FYI for you.

The farm

I'm finally getting the camera out again, so here are some pictures of Madisyn playing with her farm.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas morning

Here are the pictures from Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve

With us having Issac and Paislee on Christmas eve, I had to mark the P.J boxes a different way then normal so I would know what boxes to give them on Christmas eve. So Madi's P.J's were marked as "our little princess" Issac's was mark as "Our Sunshine" and Paislee was "Our special daughter". As I was wrapping the gifts Paislee keep coming up stairs and knocking on the door asking some weird questions, so I know that I couldn't got down stairs to get another box (cause I was short one box) so I started to look around my room. And it hit me like a train. I saw in the bathroom a box of tampons, what would be funnier then that I wrapped Paislee shirt in the tampon box. Every time I walked by that box under the tree I would just start to laugh, and she would ask what's so funny. Well on Christmas eve she got to open it, and you should have seen her face! She was like oh and just throw the box to the side, and she started to open the next box. Well after she opened the 2nd box I told her that she may want to look closely to see what was in the other box. She gave it the worst look I have ever seen, you would have thought that the box was going to bite her. Needless to say she didn't think it was as funny as I did.

The bows

This year was the first year that Kris and I have had Issac and Paislee for Christmas eve and Christmas morning. I have a ton of pictures so there will be a couple of post's. This was the best Christmas I have had in a long time....Here Paislee and Madisyn wearing bows in their hair.

Dirty looks

I was finally able to get some pictures of the dirty looks Madisyn gives! There so cute, I can't help but smile when she gives them.


On Dec. 14th Madisyn went to nursery for the first time. I was worried that she wouldn't do good, however to my surprise she made the whole 2 hours! I'm so proud of her. Every Sunday when I get her dressed in her church clothes and smile comes to her face.